For too long, we have faced a stark choice: protect the environment or our own interests. Now all that is changing…..
While companies strive to remain profitable in an increasingly competitive global market, and with renewed focus on energy conservation, imagine the potential benefits for lightings that is proven to save up to 50% in electricity costs.
The solution lies in a blend of well proven, robust technology which is widely used throughout industry and commerce, coupled with a revolutionary new intelligent interface which results in a massive increase in efficiency with a corresponding reduction in wasted energy.
Concerns for the environment and the need to conserve energy are likely to remain high on the international agenda for many decades to come, with companies receiving increased pressure from governments and consumers to become more environmentally focused.

環保節能 LED 照明導入趨勢漸明朗,被用於各種室內及室外裝飾照明應用,而且在更改轉換傳統T8光管、花園燈和街燈等通用照明方面有不少的應用。這些環保節能燈節約電能 50% 以上。並可增加 40%-80% 的亮度。改用後,可為公司與企業減低經營成本及環保帶來好處。 |